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There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.

Cosmo Rider » Patch notes, Update 0.6.0: Missions & stage Conditions

Hello Riders,

There is a new Update:

Missions & stage Conditions

  • Updated Missions generation and completion logic. Completed Mission gives 1 Research Point.
  • Players can craft one researched equipment item using Research Points on the Research screen when just starting the new flight from 1st Galaxy stage.
  • Comment: missions should have more strategic value.
  • Added missions:
    – Repair Abandoned Units
    – Core Defense
    – Carrier Escort mission
    – CollectIntel_ProximityScanner and CollectIntel_DirectionalScanner missions
  • Added Stage conditions:
    – Comet condition:

    (very dangerous condition, comet can destroy mostly any unit on stage in a second)

    – Abandoned Units (repaired ship can follow player to the next stage)
    – meteoroid anomalies: Natural, Artificial and Icy
    – cloud anomalies: Radiation, Burning, Dust
    – Resources Decay
    – Faction Skirmish
    – Starting Drone

  • Added UI panel with mission overview. This panel renders missions list and status unlike Mission briefing which renders titles and descriptions.
  • Increased Station control time for Enemy Station mission

  • Material items from destroyed units will no longer disappear by timeout (unless Resource-Decay condition is active)
  • Added +20 HP to Player ship
  • Added more SFX, play new remix track when Boss is defeated
  • Reworked Impulse PowerUP force to be applied over time
  • Spawn mines around Large Asteroid

UI & Visuals
  • Added stats for Bucks and RP gained to stage summary dialog
  • Added started/completed missions to game over dialog
  • Added all-time Player stats to galaxy selector screen
  • Added aid & challenge score preview for each map node
  • Added hint for missions with timer
  • Graviton shows damage labels per unit
  • Added Health bars to elite units
  • Added space dust particles VFX
  • Turned off planets on map

  • Fixed: calculation of MaxHealth module mods
  • Fixed: can’t click Submit with mouse on Leaderboard screen
  • Fixed: marker blinking on spawn
  • Fixed: stock Graviton damages allies
  • Fixed: raw unit limit has been applied twice
  • Fixed: Some damage labels are not hidden when rendered out of screen
  • Fixed: install gun dialog + mission brief dialog = no pause
  • Fixed: main menu scene shows conditions of the latest world stage after return to main menu