Patch Notes Archive

Home » Updates » Patch Notes Feed » Uber Destruction » 50% Sale + Upcoming Update

Patch notes are imported from steam. There may be errors. This mostly exists so I can stay on top of them to update the features in our tags and scoring categories (which I do manually), but since many of you liked the idea of staying up to date with all the games in one place I'm working on making this data automated (right now I manually hit it every couple days) with better info and linking in with the game views.

There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.

Uber Destruction » 50% Sale + Upcoming Update

It’s been some time since the last post, but I’m still kicking!

So here’s the quick life update,The college grind has been kicking my butt since the beginning September… But luckily, the semester is nearing its end. Soon, I’ll be working away to prepare for the next major game update. I’ve already got a bunch of content just sitting around waiting to be brought to life! More on that later.

A new input system?!?!
I secretly released a patch that implemented a brand-new input system. I was witnessing and hearing about tons of issues related to input actions, so I replaced it! For controller players, you will definitely notice that the button icons are not there right now. For the time being, I’m using text to display the input mapping. This will be fixed in a patch sometime soon.

As of right now…

For a limited time, you can grab the game for 50% off!

This is the best deal to-date! Please enjoy and maybe grab some pals for some multiplayer chaos 😀

I apologize for the lack of genuinely everything. Once I graduate, I’ll be back on my toes!
Stay tuned for Decembers game update.